Standard Launch
Vendor:Barb Ling et all
Product:Explode Your List Building with Viral PDFs
Launch Date:2020-Dec-29
Launch Time:09:00 EST
Front-End Price: $3
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 
Niche:List Building 



=-=-= Explode Your List Building with Viral PDFs =-=-=

DATE: 12/29/20, Tuesday 9am EST

Product: Powerful PDF: Explode Your List Building with Viral PDFs

Commissions: 50%/50%

Vendors: Barb Ling, Dennis Becker

JV Page:


Platform: W+

Brand new quick power pdf that shows how anyone can use Viral PDFs to build both their lists and profits… passively.

And a contest as well!

Upsells include:

2. Full Year of Rebrandable Reports

3. Easy Viral PDF Brander

4. 235K Words Premium IM Content with PLR and Rebranding Rights

5. Daily Seminar Transcripts with PLR and Rebranding Rights



SUBJECT: Zero cost but long-term profits are waiting?
SUBJECT: You… learning how to profit for no cost at all?
SUBJECT: Cost is zero, value is immense
SUBJECT: Cost is zero but it can 3x your 2021 profit potential
SUBJECT: Grab this case study of 160K new subscribers that did not cost a penny
SUBJECT: What would you do with 160K new zero cost subscribers?
SUBJECT: What’s the value of 160K new subscribers to you (that didn’t cost one thin dime in 2021)?
SUBJECT: 5 Figures/Month is achievable… here’s how (open pls inside)

Hey there,

It’s maddening, isn’t it?

Every day you see some new marketing idea that leaves things out.


6 figures are guaranteed here, or torrents of new traffic is guaranteed there…

Sometimes it must seem that only those with the “Secret Insiders Secrets” can be profiting online these days (Spoiler – what you’re about to discover literally won’t cost you a penny)

And honestly, I can see why people think this – after all, if you haven’t been exposed to this simple but super-profitable idea earlier, you might think such things just cannot be *this* straightforward.

==> Nothing could be farther from the truth!

See, you do NOT need complicated software, or tricks or loopholes or any of that stuff….

…. you simply need to tap into one of the important desires people possess:

Getting great quality goodies without spending a penny, along with a super special bonus (don’t worry, this bonus you will gain automatically as well!).

Put simply:

There exists a below-the-radar resources that is so simple to use, a middle-school child can be successful with it!

So why haven’t you seen this before?

Easy. It’s SO below the radar that other, more flashy systems grab the limelight instead.

So if you’re not yet at that “Yes I can do it!” support-your-family-online stage, or if you keep enduring hopelessness because of past mistakes…

I sure know how you feel! And guess what: That’s going to change *today*!

Imagine if you could have a reliable way of building your list and your future profits passively…. because you allow your customer to do something hardly anyone else does… Imagine if you could build to generating 2, 3 or even 4 figures a day!

It sure would build up your 2021 bottom line FAST, right?

Well, you’re in luck today because my veteran marketing colleagues, Barb Ling and Dennis Becker (they have more than 46 years of experience between them!), has just released (and remember, the page is very mobile-friendly old-school – no flashy graphics, no “slick” design – you’ll simply get what Dennis and Barb are known for – quality products that stand on their own):

==> Explode Your List Building With Viral PDFs

Clocking in at less than 15 fluff-free pages… you’ll discover:

* The super-special bonus that can make this a money maker if you choose

* The true secret of viral PDFs

* How you can profit from those easy-to-create viral PDFs

* What you NEED to know about PLR for this particular technique

* Other benefits including zero cost traffic, sales, recognition, authority, trust, credibility, more

* The exact text to include when you take advantage of this ability

And even more!

==> See for yourself (remember, it has no cost):

Money likes speed, and time *is* money, so this powerful quick blueprint (it can be consumed and put into practice in under 3 minutes) gives you the *key* towards generating profit… starting today!!

The enhancements are pretty cool as well:

* 16 rebrandable reports (already written for you, just customize as you’d like!)

* An easy PDF Rebrander (if you want to create your own reports so your customers can use their affiliate links when they share!)

* 235K Word PLR and Rebranding License

* 800K Word Premium PLR


==> It’s waiting for you!

Just imagine… within 30 seconds you could have at your fingertips the secret to beefing up your bottom line… and then apply it to your business practices and see your income triple if not more…

What are you waiting for?

Remember, the cost is 0…..

Can’t get better than that!


ps – remember, it is not even 1 single penny…

pps – imagine how you will feel once your financial goals are on their way:

More soon….

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