Standard Launch
Vendor:Kevin Fahey
Product:Million Dollar Warrior 2.0
Launch Date:2025-Jan-11
Launch Time:9:00 EST
Front-End Price: 9.95
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 
Niche:List Building 

Million Dollar Warrior

Launch Date: Saturday, January 11th

Launch Ends: Thursday, January 16th

Prizes: $1,000 – No Mins $700 – $200 – $100

(New update includes new welcome video and live training webinar)


Million Dollar Warrior – $9.95 For 5 Days Special Offer

Bump Offer: 50K Case Study: $12.95

OTO1: Results With Kevin All Access: $147

Downsell 1: List Building MasterClass: $26.78

Downsell 2: Free A.I. Money 2.0: $26.88

OTO2: ARM System: $26.78

OTO2 Bump: ARM Recurring Offers: $14.95

OTO2 Pro: ARM PRO: $27


$1,000 Cash Prizes. 


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