Standard Launch
Vendor:Mike Paul
Product:Viral Vidio
Launch Date:2020-Oct-29
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

From the desk of Mike Paul …

Viral Vidio is a new launch guaranteed to fill your pockets with affiliate commissions and help current and new customers for life.

Launch starts at 11am ET… 10/29/2020 – 11/2/2020

There will be a 5 day launch promo then a price bump.

“Marketers, Local Consultants, & Entrepreneurs: Viral Vidio is a hands-off and Much-Needed service to add to your portfolio”

Chances are, your list isn’t using video like this… And if they are… I bet, like a pup panting for scraps, they’re begging for views.

You know it… I don’t have to convince you… Video Marketing is growing and there’s no slowing down.  Going forward as we near the end of 2020… your list will LOVE YOU for introducing something that truly fosters success in their business.

Here’s How it Works

With the help of VIRAL VIDEO, those on your list can finally leverage online video like a Rocket to Boost their Views and Follows.

Seriously, the simplicity has me shakin’ my head.  Once the software is setup… it’s almost like popcorn in a microwave.  They simply turn it on… let it ‘Cook’… and enjoy Video Marketing… The New Way… with More Views… and More Followers… on Autopilot!

Here’s the Rundown

From what I can recall, there’s nothing really like this on W+… ever!

Also, get ready for insane conversions because the Copy on the Sales page is Sick!

Thank you so much for your support!  Let’s rock this Launch!


Front End: $27 @ 50% Commission (Early Bird first day, then going on dimesale)

OTO (upsell) commission = 50%
OTO (downsell) commission = 50%

OTO2 – 7 (upsells and downsells) commission = 50%

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