Standard Launch
Vendor:Mike Paul
Product:The Ultimate Playbook For Local Marketers
Launch Date:2021-Nov-30
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

Launching Nov 30th 2021 at 11am ET!

Get ready for insane conversions and easy payments into your W+ account!

Here’s the Rundown

Through conversations over the phone and through email, I’ve found that another key ingredient was missing.  Something critically essential to what end of the scale a consultant’s chances of success fell. 

This ingredient?  

A Plan

Nothing to obsess over.  Not a ruthless lord of a plan that dictates every aspect of life until a successful outcome is gained. 

Just a Guide, a roadmap if you will.

Something that let’s marketers know where to start, what to do after the journey has begun, and what to do going forward.  

Show me the Leads!

In the training, your subs will learn my top ten ‘Shoe-String-Budget’ Lead techniques that will get the leads flowing like a river!

How to work the Plan

How to Schedule your Plan

The Lead Strategies

Reach out to me on skype if you have any questions!

Mike Paul

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