Standard Launch
Vendor:Mike Paul
Product:Real Estate Ad Accelerator
Launch Date:2018-Aug-10
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 




The New Wave of Advertising

On August 10th I’ll be launching “Real Estate Ad Accelerator”!  Consultants will now be able to offer a unique service that no-one else is offering right now.  In fact, it’s almost a secret considering the way Google has barely made this known.

Ok, we’ve spent a lot of time testing a new angle that Google Has come out with for search Ads.(June was Google’s release of the new twist)

This new angle will do this:

*Make Google ads easier to get results

*Make the cost much more affordable(if done how we teach you)

*Make leads higher in quality because…

*The leads will be “now” buyers

This solves the Real Estate Niche’s 17 year old problem with online leads – the 6 month window.

You see… online real estate leads are not ready to buy now, but studies show they are about 6 months out from purchasing on average. This requires the agent to perform endless follow-up to “incubate” that lead into a sale.

Say good by to “incubating”!

Here’s why this is so GOOD

*Less competition because few real estate consultants know about this is

*It laser targets ‘ Motivated’ home buyers

*Real Estate Leads much better in quality

*As a result conversions are higher

*Beats Real Estate FB lead gen methods in several areas

*Retain more clients longer

*This income method is easy to get started, and see results literally overnight

Here’s the rundown

Launch date is Aug 10, 2018 at 11am EST.

There will be a 5 day launch promo then a price bump

60% front, 50% OTO1, 50% OTO2


All the best,

Mike Paul


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