Standard Launch
Vendor:Mike Paul
Product:Offline Mindshare Maneuver
Launch Date:2019-May-21
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 




Hello JV friend,

Thanks for dropping by… Let me fill you in on my most exciting launch yet! All the details are here, but if I missed anything, feel free to email me or Skype me anytime.

It’s been a long time coming, but a method that transcends other traditional business building methods has come to fruition and finally, two major platforms have paved the way to higher quality Top-of-Mind Marketing for the consultant and client!

“Offline Mindshare Maneuver” comes with a twist in marketing and will attract the attention of offline consultants across the board.  Why? Because they’ve been forever looking for the right growth method to getting customers faster, simpler, and with more consistency in the offline space.

This refreshing method addresses two hurdles for local consultants… Client Getting the right way… and customer acquisition for the local business!

Without the endless prospect-chasing game that comes with Lead Gen!

What if… the Mad Dash to Creating Online Leads… is actually counteractive?

A long time ago I just knew that Top-of-Mind marketing was a method confined to the “big boys” in business.

And I believed deep down that local businesses were going about it all wrong when trying to gain “Mindshare” or brand awareness in their town or city.

I was the one telling others.. that the only goal to advertising should be to generate leads and only leads…

My-My, was I wrong. 

Look around and you’ll notice at the lead vomiting vendors and marketers who boast… “We have the best leads…” or…”our leads convert the highest”…

But any practical thinking human being will realize these leads are being recycled among all the other competing business owners in similar niches… making lead generating less and less attractive.

But there’s a bigger problem:  “Present Action Dependency”

Local Consultants, small business owners & professionals of all types… because of being over-dependent on online leads, are only as good as their present actions… TODAY.    Their business’ total existence depends on leads like a high-dose,  quick-fix drug addict.

Sales and client come, yes… but only with:


Forget All That…

This exciting offline consulting program covers the lead dependency problem by helping consultants and local biz owners build a career … NOT just “make a sale”.

I will walk your list through easy steps showing them how to practically “Be Everywhere” online locally using two major ad platforms – Google + Facebook.

These two advertising giants will help businesses virtually “Take Over” the local customer base “Mindshare” cultivating motivated customers, willing clients, and easier sales…. that come to them instead of the other way around.

Consultants can finally grow their business and help other business owners:

  • With NO Follow-up…
  • Little to NO Ad copy creation
  • No need for Lead Generation!
  • No keyword research…
  • No tech skills required
  • All done with “set-it-and-forget-it” methods, for pennies on the dollar!

Thanks so much for your support, and lets ROCK this launch!

-Mike Paul



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