Standard Launch
Vendor: Mike Paul
Product:Local Startup Funding Formula
Launch Date:2019-Feb-25
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 




Hello JV’s!

About 6 months ago I launched a unique program revolving around business loans.   It did very well.  In fact, It did so well, I have been personally coaching students across the country with the service. (See the Five-Star reviews)

One of the reasons I think it did so well and is still doing well is because it’s not your normal offline service.

In fact, the consultant just has to… “refer”…  the business owner’s information to potentially get paid thousands in commissions.

Ok – here’s where I’m going with all this.

Although there are many consultants who are doing very well with the service – some have found that the competition in their local area was considerably vast.

So I’ve researched & tested a similar but very different product along the same lines – Business Loans For Startups.

“Startup” Business Owners: A More Desperate audience that needs one thing more than anything else – Money.

The reason this fits the bill is that even consultants in high competition areas can focus on this loan type and practically have NO competition because:

It’s definitely an Ideal Service for an Ideal Audience.

I hope to see you on board!  And reach out to me for any compatible offers – I want to help…


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