Standard Launch
Vendor:Mike Paul
Product:Local Funding Freelancer 2.0
Launch Date:2021-Jun-22
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 



Local Funding Freelancer is a new launch guaranteed to fill your pockets with affiliate commissions and help current and new customers for life.

Launch date is June 22, 2018 at 11am.

There will be a 5 day launch promo then a price bump.

“Consultants: Local Funding Freelancer 2.0 is a hands-off and Needed service to add to your portfolio”

1 in 10 business owners will need this now or soon.  And I bet you’ve already come across this several times in your career!

Business owners need MONEY to grow their business, get out of a pinch, expand, pay for marketing, run hiring campaigns… and so much more.  And guess what…

It’s easier than you think to help them – and with no finance or banking experience needed.

All that’s involved is “referring” the business owner’s info to the lender – that’s it! (then get paid $1600 for an average deal – on the low end)

Imagine just 1 of these a week.  Since banks quit lending – new sources of funding have evolved, making this a level playing field for all who want to grab their piece of the pie.

Regular people like you and me are now able to “Refer” the business owner’s name, number, and email to the lending source… THEN… just wait… until the loan funds… then YOU GET PAID.  Pretty simple, isn’t it?

I wish I had more for you here, but really, that’s pretty much it!

Some consultants are replacing their whole portfolio of services with just this ONE service…

From what I can recall, there’s nothing really like this on W+… ever!

Also, get ready for insane conversions because a Proven sales page writer is overseeing the entire project.

Thank you so much for your support!  Let’s rock this Launch!



Front End: $27 @ 55% Commission (Early Bird first day, then going on dimesale)

OTO (upsell) commission = 50%
OTO (downsell) commission = 50%

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