Standard Launch
Vendor:Mike Paul
Product:Life Sales Sticky Leads
Launch Date:2022-Nov-11
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

Hey Fellow Affiliates!

I have a launch this week, that your list will eat up!

I’m very excited about *Life Sales Sticky Leads*!

You’ll love it because it revolved around Local and the angle for getting leads is Oh-So-Sweet!

-So, I’ve take a niche that’s desperate for a better way to get leads…

-Combined what they’re failing at now with a New Angle To Direct Mail

-It’s so cool because your subs will learn how to leverage Machines To Simulate Handwritte Mail To Drive Sizzling Leads To Life Insurance Agent Clients (Using Proven Text That Set’s The Client Apart From The Competition… Something They haven’t figured out yet!)

-And YOU’LL LOVE IT once you see your W+ Wallet Get SWOLE

Hope to see you onboard!

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Mike Paul

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