Standard Launch
Vendor:Mike Paul
Product:Biz Opp Leads Broker Blueprint
Launch Date:2021-May-03
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 



Easy commissions like a HOT knife through butter…

Get ready for my most exciting launch yet!


It’s no secret, the professional world is a grind.  And this world is packed wall-to-wall with unsettled and unhappy business owners, physicians, public speakers, engineers – just about every field in which the person is at the mercy of a boss, timeclock, or even their own customers…

The misconception of network marketers only consisting of any certain type… has long been utterly shattered with the current awakening of how corporations have been grossly exploiting their employees for ages.  So it comes as no surprise that many have deep pockets – they’re just unhappy – with the rat race – their 9-5.

This is why, whether you’re new to local consulting – or need a pleasant boost in your business – the Biz Opp niche could be the most receptive and responsive audience your list has ever approached!

Your list will love this approach because they will be handing their clients leads that already exist!… as a Leads-Broker – The Easiest business you’ve ever seen!

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