Standard Launch
Vendor:Mike McKay et al
Product:Azon Christmas Toy Heaven Portal
Launch Date:2014-Oct-24
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $13-$17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 
Niche:Social Media 

Hey Guys, Edwin and Mike here and we are so excited to tell you all about…Azon Christmas Toy Heaven!

Azon Christmas Toy Heaven is our brand new, fully-automated, fully monetized WP Christmas Toy store…giving your customers and readers the opportunity to totally divide and conquer in the biggest online shopping season and very cash rich Christmas Toy niche!

Azon Christmas Toy Heaven is totally designed from the ground up and custom-made to our exacting specifications…it is fully pre-loaded with over 1000 Amazon-based products in multiple, Christmas Toy sub-niches, and it’s operation is totally automated!

Azon Christmas Toy Heaven also features the Best Selling, Most Wished For and Top Rated Amazon product categories in the Christmas Toy niches…let’s just show you what we’re talking about:

Our Funnel: The funnel for this launch offers a single installation of the theme @ $13-$17 dimesale with 60% commission on the front end. On our upsell we are offering the developer version of the theme @ $27 with a 50% commission. We are also offering a downsell which is a full Amazon Portal Promotion Pack containing reviews articles, videos and graphics in addition to keyword data to ensure your site promotion goes without a hitch…this will be offered at $9-$13 on a dimesale again with 50% commission. We also offer a dfy site set up service, offered at $67 with 30% commission.

To earn you guys even more we added previous Azon Heaven Portals  just like the frontend as another upsell, which will be offered at $9 at 50% commission. Upsell number 4 will be a content pack that is geared towards that niche priced at $9-$13 on a dimesale, with 50% commission.

So a deep funnel built to offer maximum earnings to our affiliates!

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