Standard Launch
Vendor:Mike McKay et al
Product:Azon Green Energy Heaven Portal
Launch Date:2014-Sep-29
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $9-$17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Hey Guys, Edwin and Mike here and we are so excited to tell you all about…Azon Solar Power Heaven!

AzonSolar Power Heaven is our brand new, fully-automated, fully monetized WP renewable energy/green living store…giving your customers and readers the opportunity to totally divide and conquer in the Evergreen and very cash rich renewable energy/green living niche!

AzonSolar Power Heaven is totally designed from the ground up and custom-made to our exacting specifications…it is fully pre-loaded with over 1000 Amazon-based products in multiple, renewable energy/green living sub-niches, and it’s operation is totally automated!

AzonSolar Power Heaven also features the Best Selling, Most Wished For and Top Rated Amazon product categories in the renewable energy/green living niches…let’s just show you what we’re talking about:

Our Funnel: The funnel for this launch offers a single installation of the theme @ $9-$17 dimesale with 60% commission on the front end. On our upsell we are offering the developer version of the theme @ $27 with a 50% commission. We are also offering a downsell which is a full Amazon Portal Promotion Pack containing reviews articles, videos and graphics in addition to keyword data to ensure your site promotion goes without a hitch…this will be offered at $9-$13 on a dimesale again with 50% commission.

To earn you guys even more we added previous Azon Heaven Portals  just like the frontend as another upsell, which will be offered at $9 at 50% commission. Upsell number 4 will be a content pack that is geared towards that niche priced at $9-$13 on a dimesale, with 50% commission.

So a deep funnel built to offer maximum earnings to our affiliates!

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