Standard Launch
Vendor:Lee Cole
Product:Press Release Empire
Launch Date:2018-Mar-07
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

Get ready to make massive commissions with our new offline training and software, PRESS RELEASE EMPIRE!

PRESS RELEASE EMPIRE teaches you how to sell a high-ticket press release service to local businesses. Press releases are something that every business owner and manager on the planet understands. No explaining or “selling” necessary. This is one of the easiest offline products out there that you can sell, and done right, you can build a huge business doing this! 


Comes with our new WordPress plugin, Press Release GeniePress Release Genie is so powerful that it can turn a non-writer into a copywriting powerhouse! Even rank newbies can power up Press Release Genie, fill in a few fields, and have a professional grade, publishable press release in no time!

Expect high EPC’s as usual and tons of cash flooding your PayPal account! 

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