Standard Launch
Vendor:Lee Cole
Product:Email Sleuth
Launch Date:2012-Nov-26
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $9.97
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:ProductPay 

Hi folks!

Lee, AJ, and Kyle are bringing you one of the most innovative WordPress plugins ever created!

Email Sleuth!

What is does is automatically harvest emails of businesses so you can contact them and sell them stuff.


This is a very sophisticated piece of software that mimicks real humans who fill out contact forms with generic questions. When the reply comes back, the software captures the email address and puts it into a CSV file.

In addition to our software, we have several killer methods your peeps can use to turn these newly harvested emails into pure gold!

100% commisson on the front end, 50% of the back end! Our conversion rate on our last plugin was EPIC!

Check out our jv page, here:


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