Standard Launch
Vendor:Kurt Chrisler
Product:Affiliazon DFY: Weight Loss Edition
Launch Date:2017-Jan-21
Launch Time:10:00 EST
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 



8X JVZoo POTD, Over 18,000 sales, and $123,000+ paid to our affiliates…Get your share of it!

Done For You Amazon Affiliate Marketing Pack

This niche pack is for the Weight Loss market and provides the customer with Amazon product review videos, review articles, banners, keywords, infographic, and available domains.

Basically, everything the customer needs to start profiting in this market is completely done for them.

The niche pack will sell for $17 (dimesale) and I also have a full sales funnel ($17 / $27 / $37) that pay 50% commissions all sales.

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