Standard Launch
Vendor:James Renouf
Product:Spreadsheet Millions
Launch Date:2022-Jul-14
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $11
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

Six figures a day with a simple spreadsheet?

Zero out of pocket. Crush it with ANY Niche!

Let Spreadsheet Millions show you exactly how you can profit from this crazy new industry with absolutely no spreadsheet skills.

Here are some examples of the specific and simple-to-do strategies that I use to profit with a brain-dead simple strategy.

$39 over and over again every day with one of my spreadsheets.

$29 over and over again with another spreadsheet that took me seconds to make.

Over 32k in recurring revenue and counting from one of my simple spreadsheets. Set it up once and let it pay you over and over again.

This is happening every hour of every day. Payment after payment to my account.

In just the last 90 days I’ve brought in close to 100k and it is so simple to do. Now I’m going to break it down for you.

And it isn’t just me doing it.

26,058 X 19.03 = 495,883.74 off of one spreadsheet!!

Another person doing $29 a month for the absolute most simple way you can imagine.

Others aren’t doing recurring but selling mid-ticket prices all day long

There are so many ways you can sell this kind of quick info and at all kinds of different rates.

Do you want simple and you want lucrative? This is it.

I am going to blow your mind with Spreadsheet millions

With a few seconds of time, you can be profiting off of ANY Niche by using a free spreadsheet and the Spreadsheet Millions method.

How did this all start, how is it possible and how can you do the same thing?

My name is James Renouf and I have been making money online since 1999. I’ve done all kinds of methods. That is what I am most known for is coming up with new ways to make money online and sharing those ideas.


I’ve been a super affiliate, early investor in crypto currency, I had an infomercial, created the first-ever information product on NFT’s and been involved with many ideas way before the masses.

What really changed my perspective and accelerated my journey with this process to ultimately create Spreadsheet millions was following and learning about an influencer that makes 100k days talking about spreadsheets.

I couldn’t believe that this young lady was crushing it so much with something so mundane as a spreadsheet.


When I learned that there was someone out there that wasn’t involved in the traditional marketing community making 100k days with “spreadsheets” I thought to myself that I needed to get in on the action and then teach others how to do the same thing.

I’m sorry but spreadsheets to me aren’t sexy. I don’t wake up in the morning excited to learn about spreadsheets.


In fact, I suck at everything related to spreadsheets. I don’t know or do anything fancy. That is the beauty of the Spreadsheets Millions method. It is not about the ability to be “good” at spreadsheets. It is the simple spreadsheet millions method and the spreadsheets themselves that are making you money.


What is so amazing is that spreadsheets are everywhere. You may not think about or care about spreadsheets but millions of people do.


What I care about is making money in as simple a way as possible. That is what this method delivers. 

The 1st takeaway from this method is that you can get paid simply by delivering content that takes you seconds to produce for any niche.


The “hook” or the difference is that you are delivering the info in a spreadsheet format.


Want to lose weight? Within seconds you are delivering a solution in a spreadsheet format and profit.


Top ways to crush it with crypto? Within seconds you are delivering a solution in a spreadsheet format and profit.


Make money with real estate?

How to be a better gardener?

Work from home?

I can write the same sentence over and over for any niche.


Insert Niche, Deliver spreadsheet, and profit. 


You won’t believe what people will pay for with what takes you seconds to produce simply because it is in a spreadsheet format. 


I have analyzed this entire game and produced results to the tune of thousands of dollars and now I break it all down for you. 


The best way I can describe it is that people are familiar with what a spreadsheet is and there is a subconscious thought that if the information is in a spreadsheet it is, therefore, more valuable than other forms of delivering information.

You are using the power of the “brand name” recognition that a spreadsheet has with any niche and profiting. It is insane what I am doing and now you can do the same thing!


Welcome to this brand-new world!


The Spreadsheet millions method shows you very quickly…


exactly what I did to make my money using spreadsheets.

Exactly what other people are selling and crushing it with using spreadsheets


Where to sell your spreadsheets? There are marketplaces you never knew existed that will be exposed. 


What specific type of spreadsheet should you use and how exactly do you deliver it? Choose the wrong one and you will fail. 


How can you do this all for free with no following?


What are the best niches to get into?


How to become a super affiliate with this? 


How can you turn this into a real business?


How can you do this by simply copying and pasting information? No coding or spreadsheet skills are required. 


This method is so simple yet so profitable. It is three steps


You do the quick Spreadsheet Milliions Method. You make a spreadsheet in seconds. You sell it.


It doesn’t get any simpler than this.


You can do this from anywhere in the world.


You want to sell your own product? This is for you


You want to be an affiliate in any niche? This is for you


Do you want to do this from any country? This is for you


Do you want to do this with no money out of pocket? This is for you


Do you want to do this without ever being on camera? This is for you


Do you want to not have to use social media? This is for you


Do you want to make passive income all day every day? This is for you.


If you want to know the simple trick to make this work every time? This is for you. 


I have personally done this method multiple times now for major profit. This is not theory. I show you exactly what to do.


This is a blue ocean strategy. This is an unknown marketing space for the majority of people. This is unexplored and untainted by competition. Like the blue ocean, it is vast, deep, and powerful in terms of opportunity and profitable growth.

There is a secret, underground world that is profiting on this at this very moment that you will now be brought into. 


There is no way that this gets saturated when you take action now. 

Get Spreadsheet millions and profit. 


This is the easiest and hottest product so far in 2022!


Once you pick it up you immediately are shown how to profit from this new billion-dollar industry!

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