Standard Launch
Vendor:Ian Jackson
Product:How to build an email list that pays you in 6 weeks or less
Launch Date:2023-Aug-17
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 
Niche:List Building 

How to build an email list that pays you in 6 weeks or less

**Promote a high-quality, valuable product that will help your audience build their profitable list in 6 weeks or less**

If you’re in constant search of 5-star products to offer to your list, then look no further — “How To Make Money From Your List In 6 Weeks Or Less” is EXACTLY what you’re looking for!

Here’s the best part…

You’ll get a juicy 50% of each sale you make.

And besides my White Label option, there is one more upsell; 

My “121 personal email mentoring support” ($97, also for 50% per referral)

That’s a WHOPPING of $62.00 per lead for each sale you make!

Remember, the List-Building niche ALWAYS has an insane demand, so rest assured that  “How To Make Money From Your List In 6 Weeks Or Less” will sell like hotcakes!

Mark your calendar because this launch is going to be epic!

If you’d like to get review access and see WHY this is such a valuable info product, just reach out to me.

Also, you can connect with me if you have any questions.

Grab your affiliate link now and get ready to impress your list with a high-converting offer!

Affiliate Link

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