Standard Launch
Vendor:Drew Laughlin
Product:L.G.S. Profits Theme
Launch Date:2012-Dec-13
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $17 - $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

Generating leads for offline businesses is HUGE! We have created the perfect and most proven WordPress theme. And now we are making it available to the public.

Our offer is simple:

FE: $17.00 – $27.00 dimesale (50% commission – 75% with Bump Code)

OTO: 1 X $197 OR 3 x $77 – (50% commission)

Each package comes complete with:

Check out all the details, get your review copies and sign up for your Bump Code here:

Thanks for your consideration.

Keep rockin’!


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