Standard Launch
Vendor:Cyril Jeet
Launch Date:2018-Oct-26
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Mobiflux is an innovative product that helps Website owners monetize mobile traffic better and also get more traffic from Mobile visitors. These days over 85% of all Internet visitors are on mobile devices, yet they are not tapped efficiently because our sites are using old-style CTAs that don’t work.

Mobiflux implements modern, mobile app-like CTAs, at the same time helps site owners create a new powerful strategy to multiply their traffic.

Another super-converting funnel from Cyril Gupta – Teknikforce.

Let’s create another fantastic launch after the $240K WP GDPR Fix.

Hit Cyril Gupta up on Skype if you need anything, ID : cyrilgupta

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