Standard Launch
Vendor:Cyril Jeet
Product:Logii Browser
Launch Date:2022-Mar-07
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $31-$67
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Logii – Multi-Login, Multi-Account Browser from Teknikforce

Hello dear affiliate!

Teknikforce is back with another fresh, high-quality and high-in-demand product that our market will love. It’s the Logii Browser, the only browser crafted for marketers.

Marketers really need Logii to do better online marketing online.

Agencies, freelancers, marketers, PPC advertisers, social media marketers, cold & outreach marketers: They all need Logii Browser to do better marketing online.

Get on board this high-quality launch from Teknikforce. Conversions guaranteed! Quality guaranteed!

We have optimized the conversions and the sales page and on our test runs this product did an EPC of $34!

Let’s bring our market another product they will love!

$7,000 in prizes.

Got questions? Talk to Jeet! Just a message away – cyrilgupta on Skype.

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