Standard Launch
Vendor:Chris X
Product:Vid GPT & Vid AI
Launch Date:2023-Sep-02
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $15
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 




Make $15+ EPCs* With The World’s 1st
Chat-GPT + YouTube AI Hybrid That Generates UNLIMITED FREE BUYERS.. With ZERO Human Intervention!


Presenting the VID GPT AI.

“The sequel to 8x  consecutive Warrior #1 + DOTD’s.. CHAT GPT + GOOGLE UNITE!”

Everyone knows Chat-GPT is huge.

And everyone dreams of cracking YouTube traffic.

BUT.. what if you could COMBINE these 2 beasts!…

How? By giving the world’s #1 AI.. personal access…

To the YouTube database of videos…

Then give it “agent-level” control of voice, video, media…

And all the tools necessary to make even better videos than the competition.

So now GPT can use it’s skill as an AI… to create “human-level” videos!

What would happen then?

Check the f/e sales page to find out!

We are locked and loaded.

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