Standard Launch
Vendor:Chris X
Product:Free GPT & Free AI
Launch Date:2023-Aug-12
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $15
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 




Make $12+ EPCs* With The World’s 1st
Chat-GPT + Google AI Hybrid That Generates UNLIMITED 100% FREE TRAFFIC.. With ZERO Human Intervention!


Presenting the FREE GPT AI.

“The sequel to 7x  consecutive Warrior #1 + DOTD’s.. CHAT GPT + GOOGLE UNITE!”

Everyone knows Chat-GPT is huge.

And everyone dreams of cracking GOOGLE traffic.

BUT.. what if you could COMBINE these 2 beasts!…

How? By giving the world’s #1 AI.. personal access…

To the entirety of the Google SERPs – LIVE!

So now GPT can use it’s skill as an AI… to rank you on GOOGLE!

What would happen then?

Check the f/e sales page to find out!

We are locked and loaded.

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