Standard Launch
Vendor:Barb Ling et all
Product:Bitcoin 2021 Strategy Planner
Launch Date:2021-Jan-19
Launch Time:09:00 EST
Front-End Price: $3.23
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 





Bitcoin 2021 Strategy Planner
Date: Tuesday, Jan 19th,  9 A.M. EST

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Affiliate Link:   Https://Warriorplus.Com/Aff-Offer/O/T40xdj

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Dennis Becker and Barb Ling here and we are thrilled to announce our latest!

Product: “BTCECS1: Bitcoin 2021 Strategy Planner!”

Platform: W+

Commissions: 100% FE/50% across rest of funnel (including recurring)

Affiliate Link:

Swipes: Below!

Contest too!:  Bonus payouts to top 5 affiliates!

This is a brand new offer, starting with a low cost FE  front end product that should convert insanely well

1.) Front End:  “Bitcoin 2021 Strategy Primer”

Low cost strategy primer that provides buyers with excellent resources to educate themselves about the Bitcoin insanity.

Dimesale $3.23, 100% Commission

2. Bitcoin Fast Track Authority

Zero Fluff 99 page PDF that teaches buyers how to both educate themselves about Bitcoin, and earn while learning about the niche.

Dimesale $9.19, 50% Commission

3. Rebrand Bitcoin 2021 Strategy Primer, Fast Track

Buyers will be able to rebrand both the Strategy Primer (giveaway rights) AND the Fast Track PDF (resell rights).   That means buyers who choose to do this and give away the Strategy Primer or resell the Fast Track PDF will have their own affiliate links incorporated into the PDFs (so they get commissions when people but from inside)

Dimesale $25.31, 50% Commission

4. Bitcoin Fast Track Gold

Done for you Research in 1,501+ Digital Coins, includes Digital Currency Product Creation Template and more

Dimesale $24.24, 50% Commission

5. Bitcoin Strategy Pack

Done for you research (mobile friendly) for 77 Digital Currency resources

Dimesale $7.47, 50% Commission

6. Bitcoin Strategy GOLD

Include’s Barb Ling’s personal Feedly Dashboards for Bitcoins and Digital Currency so buyers get the latest/greatest authority news at their fingertips on ONE dashboard

Dimesale $19.19, 50% Commission

7. DAB Group EMail Coaching (Recurring)

Dimesale $47 monthly, 50% Commission

Contest Too!

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