Standard Launch
Vendor:Barb Ling et all
Launch Date:2021-Jul-20
Launch Time:9:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $4
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 



Dennis Becker and Barb Ling here and we are thrilled to announce our latest!

Product: BOOMCS:  Boomer Marketing Cheatsheet

Platform: W+

Commissions: 100% Cheatsheet/bump/60%/50% across rest of funnel (including recurring)

Affiliate Link:

Swipes: Below!

This is a brand new offer, starting with a low cost FE  front end product that should convert insanely well!

1.) Front End:  “Boomer Marketing Cheatsheet”

1 page time-saving goodness that providers buyers with direct 1-click links to all sorts of Boomer Marketing resources

Dimesale $3.63, 100% Commission, $3.49 rebranding bump, 100% commission

2. Boomer Marketing Fast Track Authority

Zero Fluff 85 page PDF that teaches buyers how to both educate themselves about Boomer Marketing and earn while learning about the niche.

$8.21 Dimesale 60% Commission 

3. Boomer Marketing 5 Session Workshop

ALL days of the Boomer Marketing workshop completed earlier, includes additional Boomer Marketing resources

Dimesale $97, 50% Commission

4. Boomer Marketing Authority Pack

Done for you research (mobile friendly) for 77 Marketing resources

Dimesale $7.47, 50% Commission

5. Boomer Marketing Authority GOLD

Include’s Barb Ling’s personal Feedly Dashboards for Boomers and IM Marketing so buyers get the latest/greatest authority news at their fingertips on ONE dashboard

Dimesale $23.23, 50% Commission

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