Standard Launch
Vendor:Barbara LIng
Product:Cash In On Black Friday
Launch Date:2014-Oct-24
Launch Time:13:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $10
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 
Niche:Affiliate Marketing 

NAME: Cash In On Black Friday Volume 1: IM
DATE: Friday, 10/24/14, 1pm EST
Details: This is a 40 page power report that provides the solution all IM people want – 7 ways to cash in on Black Friday! I cover affiliate marketing, PLR, product creation, list building and more.

75% FE: 40 page PDF Report, $9.97 Dimesale

50%: Upsell1: Black Friday Product Creation Enhancements (20 Amazon Black Friday PLR Product Articles, 10 Authority Feedly Feeds, Product Creation Template, Cheetsheet Template, HTML Squeeze Page Template), $37 Dimesale

50%: Upsell2: Black Friday Social Enhancements (21 Day AR sequence, 25 High Res Black Friday Images, 21 FB Statuses, 21 Tweets),$18.05 Dimesale

50% Downsell: PLR rights to Cheatsheet templates, $9.47 Dimesale

Platform: W+
Affiliate Signup:
Vendor: Barbara Ling
Swipes: Coming Soon!


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