Standard Launch
Vendor:Barb Ling
Product:“Recession Proofing Vol 1: Master New Skills for Free and Then…”
Launch Date:2022-Oct-28
Launch Time:9:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $9
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

Barb Ling and Dennis Becker here and we are thrilled to announce our latest!

Product: “RPVOL1: Recession Proofing Vol 1: Master New Skills for Free and Then…”

Platform: W+

Commissions: 60% FE, 50% on all upsells

Affiliate Link:

This is Hugely EVERGREEN and shows people :

*exactly* how to find what skills are:

🔥 Valued during a recession

🔥 How to master them for free

🔥 Then how to flip those skills at Fiverr and other Gig sites.

1.) Front End:  “Recession Proofing Vol 1: Master New Skills for Free and Then…”

$9.18/15.15, dimesale, 60% affiliate commission 

2. Upsell: DFY Research for 606+ Fiverr Category Skills

$24.32, dimesale, 50% affiliate commission 

3. Cross-Sell : Authority Bundle

Dimesale, $97, 50% Commission  

(Downsells to Personal Use, $38.18, 50%

5. Cross-Sell : Digital Currency Authority Rolodex

Dimesale $7.74, 50% Commission  

6. Upsell : Fiverr/Feedly Newsboard Feedly

Dimesale $24.48, 50% Commission

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