Standard Launch
Vendor:Barb Ling et al
Product:The Copywriter’s Brain
Launch Date:2023-Jun-16
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $10
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 


Launching 6/16/2023, 9:00a.m. eastern time

The Copywriter’s Brain –
a complete copywriting course on a single page!



Link to Affiliate Sign Up


Dennis Becker and Barb Ling here and we are thrilled to announce the launch of our Copywriter’s Brain with AI Tips, and more!

Product: AICW – The Copywriter’s Brain  and more

Platform: Warrior Plus

Launch date/time: Friday June 16th, 9 a.m. eastern time

Affiliate Link or Signup:

Profitable (and evergreen) the sales funnel as well, behold:


1. The Copywriter’s Brain, a full copywriting course on a single page 

$9.95 Dime Sale: 60% Affiliate Commission

Inline upsell to Hope Not Hype Copywriting with PLR rights, $27.00, 50% commission


2: Resell and PLR rights to The Copywriter’s Brain

$97.00 fixed price, 40%

3: Fantastic Evergreen Copy Bundle

$17.00 fixed price, 50%
Inline upsell to PLR/repurpose rights, $22.00 fixed price, 50%

4: Copywriting Brilliance

$27.00 fixed price, 50%

5: 2 Page Google Docs Profits

$99, 50%

6:   DAB Insiders Club

The ONLY place where buyers will uncover benefits like:

$20/month, 40% recurring

7: DAB Insiders Platinum Archives

$497, 40%


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