Standard Launch
Vendor:Barb Ling et al
Product:320K Premium IM Words Content with PLR
Launch Date:2019-May-24
Launch Time:00:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $19
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 






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Dennis Becker and Barb Ling here and we are thrilled to announce Volume 2 of our Monster PLR package!

Product: “320K Premium IM Words Content with PLR for Multiple Uses Including Memberships” and more

Platform: Warrior Plus

Launch date/time: Wednesday, May 31st, 9 a.m. eastern time

Commissions: 60% FE, 50% on all upsells

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Swipes:  Click HERE

The buyer receives:

1. 102,000 words approximately of content from IM Inside Track

70 long articles with 5 articles each from 14 categories:

These fresh articles average around 1,500 words each and have been used as membership content for a popular site of  Dennis Becker, never sold with PLR before.

2. 88,000 words approximately of content from Daily Seminar, a membership site with content created by Jason Fladlien and Robert Plank.

There are 15 long seminar transcripts (average is approximately 5,900 words each), on the following topics:

And finally:

3. 49,000 words approximately of reports created by Sean Mize, 8 reports in total.

4. 4 full eBooks from Dennis Becker, former best-sellers on the Nanacast platform, total approximately 85,000 words.

Thus the total is over 320,000 words of premium (super premium!) that can be used as the basis for:

In total there are 97 separate pieces of content, but any or all of them can be sliced and diced into multiple  parts, suitable for a year or more of ongoing content to deliver to a membership site.

Or ideally, it can be used as inspiration for additional content with the buyer’s own personality injected.

But that’s not all – to make it even MORE massive:

5.  A 50 page comprehensive “Quick Start Guide” that shows buyers EXACTLY how to start!

And here’s the funnel:

Front End:  “320K Premium IM Words Expert Content with PLR for Multiple Uses Including Memberships”

Dimesale from $14.02, 60% Affiliate Commission (bear in mind that the dime sale for Volume 1 is currently over $27.00, and conversions stayed strong even as the price rose substantially and quickly).

OTO1: Resell Rights to FE

$19.37 Dimesale, 50%

OTO2: IM Niche Syndicated Membership Training – Over 1000 Lessons

$30.54 Dimesale, 50%

OTO3: Personal Transformation Niche Syndicated Membership Content

$46.93 Dimesale, 50%

OTO4: 10 Day Coaching Program

$18.76 Dimesale, 50%

OTO5: Daily Seminar 169 Transcripts with PLR

$72.62 Dimesale, 50%

Downsell for those who decline OTO5: Daily Seminar 169 Transcripts with Personal Rights

$16.30 Dimesale, 50%

And the one AMAZING thing you MUST know… hint: 1,000,000!

If a buyer were to purchase both the front end product, and the Daily Seminar transcripts with PLR, they would be getting over a MILLION words worth of super premium content, that they could use virtually as they see fit on their own sites to create membership sites, lead magnets, videos, podcasts, blog posts, authority blogs, and much much more.

And if they purchase just OTO2 they will receive over 1000 hours of content that can easily be used as membership site content or otherwise.

Obviously this is a monster opportunity for anyone in the IM niche to profit hugely from the work of others, and considering the number of individual files, they will be able to mix and match and tweak and add their own thoughts to distance themselves from even others who purchase this same content.

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