Standard Launch
Vendor:Barb Ling et al
Launch Date:2022-Oct-11
Launch Time:9:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $9
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

Product: Evergreen Gems From Geniuses

Platform: W+

Commissions: 100% FE, 50% on all upsells

Affiliate Link: 

Your list is going to love this latest!

Front End: 52-week Sean Mize Coaching + bonus lessons 

Over 100 IM Lessons that your buyers can use to create their OWN coaching program or membership site and start enjoying recurring income

Although these have been previously sold, there are tons of newer people who have never seen these before, as well as many who missed them the first time, or weren’t in the market for the front end product (PLR to 28 of his coaching lessons), and thus didn’t see this product offered.

Sales page:

Dime Sale Starting at $9.00, 100% affiliate commission.

First upsell:  1000 IM Lessons with PLR

Buyers will get access to 1000 hours or training from Sean Mize, including PLR and resell rights.

Second upsell:  Kickstart Profit Bundle

Buyers will receive 6 reports from the brilliant mind and pen of Tony Shepherd.

Third upsell: Dennis Becker Intro Special

Buyers will receive 8 reports from Dennis Becker’s inventory, including some of his favorites.

Fourth upsell: Daily Seminar Videos, PDFs, Audios, 168+ pieces of content in each format, with PLR and resell rights:

Downsell to Daily Seminar videos, PDFs and audios without PLR or resell rights:

Fifth upsell: Best of 6 in 6 Coaching

Sixth upsell: 2-page Google Docs Sales Machine (Ferrari Level for the price of basic)

Seventh upsell: Guaranteed affiliate request approval for DennisAndBarb W+ offers

(Subject to change)

Contest too!

The main contest


SUBJECT: You… becoming an IM coach with these 52+ Done For You Evergreen IM Coaching Lessons?
SUBJECT: SPECIAL: Authority Coaching with 52+ DFY Lessons is just the beginning….at unbelievable savings WITH…
SUBJECT: SPECIAL: You… becoming an IM Coach at unbelievable savings WITH…
SUBJECT: 52+ Evergreen Coaching Lessons are waiting for you to profit from
SUBJECT: Includes Resell Rights: 52+ Evergreen Coaching Lessons are waiting for you to profit from
SUBJECT: 52 DFY Authority Coaching Lessons Ready for Your Autoresponder to Teach and …
SUBJECT: Build Your Authority With These Entire Evergreen DFY Coaching How-Tos
SUBJECT: Resell Rights Included – Claim these 52+ Authority Coaching Lessons (Blog Posts, eClasses, Podcasts, more!)

Hey there,

Tired of making your own content to be seen as a marketing authority, one who could offered seasoned veteran-level quality coaching?

Wish you had not 1, not 2 but 52 DFY evergreen coaching lessons you could use for:

* Blog Posts that showcase key, critical knowledge your readers MUST have to succeed?

* 52 weeks of an Autoresponder Sequence

* eClasses in various crucial coaching topics

* Podcasts to teach and then put your own spin on

Even MORE  ?

Well, I’m happy to let you know that Dennis Becker and Barb Ling have just released their benefit-packed “Evergreen Gems for Geniuses!” that begins with;

==> Gem Offer #1: 52-week coaching program (good for 1 year of weekly autoresponder series, or blog posts, or … Resell Rights Included)

But before I tell what else is included,  remember – this is NOT your typical launch!

See,  Dennis and Barb combed through their massive inventory and archives and have such a special offer… they are confident in stating, you’ve never seen such a thing before.

It is actually a *series* of profitable product collections, each of which could stand on their own as very special offers.

And to ensure you don’t miss out on ANYTHING, they’ve structured in in a way that’s a lot more fun for you!  (in other words, the following offers you’ll see, touch on different aspects of IM (so they enable you to pick and choose)

In a nutshell, these are jam-packed  gem-collections (all gems, I strongly believe), from some of the best-known, veteran product creators or teams.

If there are any offers that you don’t need or don’t want, please don’t just close the page, but rather go down near the bottom and click on the “no thanks but what about…” link to open up the next collection of evergreen gems from the next respected product creator.

And here’s how it begins:

You’ll first have an opportunity to seize the expansive collection of not 1, not 2 but 52 authority coaching lessons…

==> And don’t forget, they include Resell Rights as well!

The enhancements are extremely complementary additional gems:

* Special 6 Pack from Veteran Marketer Tony Shepherd

* Special 8 Pack from Veteran Marketer Dennis Becker

* Access to the 168 written articles/blog posts from the Daily Seminar (Dennis himself had paid 34K for them)


==> Start your journey here!

Truly, this is one of the best no-brainers to invest in due to the Evergreen nature and quality content to beef up your content creation and authority generation…

Content that can get you started today!


ps – Dimesale so price is increasing every purchase…

pps – We’re talking at 52+ more evergreen Authority coaching lessons… waiting for you!

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