Standard Launch
Vendor:Barb Ling
Product:Apple Watch Profit Maker
Launch Date:2015-Dec-04
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $8
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 
Niche:Affiliate Marketing 


Mark Your Calendars – 12/4/15

Apple Watch Profit Maker



It’s a meaty 45+ page PDF (and premium PLR options will be offered too!) that shows buyers 15 ways to profit with in the HOT Apple Watch Niche… eCommerce included!

Targeted funnel as well (AND the blueprint has a page that recounts all the upsells too!) with commissions that are:

75%: Main Report
50%: All the upsells


FRONT END ==>AW30: Apple Watch Profit Maker Dime Sale starting at $7.55 $5.20 (75%), PLR option at $17UPSELL ==> AW30: Profit GOLD PACKAGE Treasure Chest/381 Authority Niches) Dimesale $27.77 $13.38 (50%) PLR Option at $37

CROSS SELL ==>AW30: Apple Watch Autority Maker Dime Sale starting at $7.55 $5.20 (75%) PLR Option at $17UPSELL ==> AW30: Authority GOLD PACKAGE Done For You Feedy Smart Watch Dashboard, Library, more) Dimesale $19.77 $9.55 (50%) PLR Option at $27

CROSSSELL==> Monthly Marketers News Desk Web-Based Access, Low Ticket, Continuity) $4.97 $2.40 (50%)

See for details

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