Standard Launch
Vendor:Barb Ling
Product:2017 Amazon Prime Day Social Informer
Launch Date:2017-Jul-04
Launch Time:00:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $3
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Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 
Niche:Affiliate Marketing 

=-=-= Newbie Make Money with Amazon Prime Day Cheatsheet =-=-=

DATE: Live now
Product: 1 page power cheatsheet with 5 targeted niche Amazon upsells
Commissions: 100%/75%/70%/60%

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Platform: W+

I just released my latest cheatsheet:

Amazon Prime Day (7/11/17)!

with 100%/75%/70%/60% commissions!

Grab it at

Will be adding a contest that ends next Sunday night…

… so any sales made now until then will count!

Swipe is at the end- it’s basically
a time-saving 1 page cheatsheet with upsells that include:

the 9 Amazon Profit Families (and a GOLD upsell to that)

Amazon authority (and an upsell to that)

$200 off my Monetize Nearly Free WSOs

$250 off my Monetize Free FB groups

PLR to the cheatsheet….


Quick SWIPE:

SUBJECT: It’s coming 7/11/17 – Are you ready?
SUBJECT: Amazon Prime Day Unleashed
SUBJECT: It will be bigger than Black Friday combined….

Hey there,

Are you ready? It’s coming 7/11/17 …. and there is profits to be made!

In a few days, Amazon is holding its very own Amazon Prime Day and its being billed as bigger than ALL the Black
Friday sales combined.

BUT… you have to be a member of Amazon Prime to take advantage of it!

==> It’s Coming…. 7/11/17

The best part about it is you can get commissions driving people TO Amazon Prime… if you knew the best links
for it!

Well, my colleague, Authority Marketing Innovator Barb Ling, has just released a quick, profitable one page
cheatsheet on how to make the most from Amazon Prime Day.

==> It’s so simple!

And get this – the enhancements she offers after you purchase… well, they haven’t yet been released to the
public yet!

She’ll teach you 9 additional ways to go beyond Amazon Prime, including:

Amazon Turk

Amazon Launchpad

Amazon Services

Amazon Kindle

Amazon FBA

Amazon Remarketing

Amazon Affiliates


and you’ll also be offered her not-yet-released Amazon Authority Maker goodies as well.

==> Dimesale but rising!

Barb is always the first one on new profitable trends…. and since is so quick and easy, it’s a no-brainer for
you to check out today.


PS: Amazon Prime is Happening SOON… get in on it today!



More soon….

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