Standard Launch
Vendor:Art Flair
Product:Free Traffic Renegades
Launch Date:2015-Dec-10
Launch Time:09:00 EST
Front-End Price: $7-$10
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

Free Traffic Renegades Launch – 10th of December 2015 at 9am EST

Make over $42 per sale on a course that will teach your subscribers the secrets of Generating Free Traffic in any niche!


Brought to you by Art Flair, Craig Dawber & Venkata Ramana! The front end product is called Free Traffic Renegades and it is a course teaching how to generate High Quality Free Traffic in any niche from 8 different sources. If you are looking for a newbie friendly course that will be also suitable for more experienced marketers than it will be perfect for your list.

We have a DEEP FUNNEL with 100% commissions on the Front End product!


We will also host a JV Contest (based on the Total Sales!) with over $1000 in cash prizes NO MINIMUMS! The Leader board will be promoted on my personal Facebook profile and to my JV email list to get you a ton of exposure as a Top Affiliate!

1st prize – $400

2nd prize – $200

3rd prize – $125

4th prize – $100

5th prize – $50

6th prize – $25

Most Sales in the first 24hrs – $100

REMEMBER – there are NO MINIMUMS for the main contest!

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions…

Email –

Skype – artflair

Facebook – Click Here

Thanks for your support!

Art, Craig & Venkata

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