Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessaondro Zamboni et al
Product:The Secret Children’s Books
Launch Date:2016-Aug-02
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $10
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 



Hello and welcome to “The Secret Children’s Books“, our next product for Kindle authors!

Inside this guide your followers can find the right way to profit from children’s books.

There’s a huge new category available, and it is something you would never expect. In fact we think we know everything about children ebooks, right? Wrong!

The thing is there’s an all new genre that, in the last few months, has grown like crazy…

We will reveal it within all the subcategories, showing you everything your customers must know to make this big niche profitable at the first try.

We give 34 book ideas and we show the first 3 books in this category, analyzing them, and then revealing every secret on how to write these books in the easiest way possible…

This is a gem, the next big one following the coloring books release I did last year!

OTO 1 is always about children’s books and it analyzes another little premium category on the Kindle marketplace, showing 3 other types of books your followers can write with only… 200 words!

OTO 2 and 3 are my previous Short Books Empire big success, where we show how to write short books in the non-fiction category, for adults.

Thanks so much and see you on the leaderboard!
Alessandro Zamboni & Stefano Del Grande

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