Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessandro Zamboni
Product:Your Life Stories
Launch Date:2019-Sep-17
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 




Hello and welcome to “Your Life Stories” JV Page!

“Your Life Stories” is made for people who want to create their autobiography from zero, and then publish it on Amazon as a Kindle and paper book.
Creating an autobiography is an incredible travel inside ourselves, and there are many things your customers must know to create a perfect autobiography and sell thousands of copies.
This course gives all they need to become expert publishers of the most important book of their life.
Inside there are a lot of topics, including:
– What are autobiographies and memoirs.
– How to find the perfect audience for your autobiography.
– The 4 types of autobiographies and memoirs you can create.
– 12 types of autobiographies you can create.
– How to create a timeline and a story plot.
– The power words you can use in your text.
– How to beat writer’s block.
– 37 questions to ask yourself to create your autobiography.
– How to create a perfect autobiography cover.
– How to edit and proofread your book.
– How to format your book.
– How to publish your book on Kindle, and as a paper book.
– 7 methods to bring free traffic to your autobiography.
– And much, much more.
I created this guide because it’s very hard to look inside yourself, remember all the main events of your life, and turn them into a great autobiography, or a collection of memoirs.
This funnel fills this gap.
OTO1 shows how to sell the service for creating biographies on demand. A superb service you can sell for $1,000 to $2,500 a hit, and one that is requested a lot nowadays. This sells for $27. At 50%.
OTO2 is a collection of my latest Kindle releases, offered for a great price. It sells for $47 at 50%.
OTO3 is the collection of all the one-time-offers of previous products.
OTO4 is my superb high-ticket Kindle video course, going for $297 at 50%.
This is a superb launch for anyone who has a Kindle list, or for anyone who has people who want a new opportunity in life.
Hope to count you in.
Thanks so much and see you on the leaderboard!
Alessandro Zamboni
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