Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessandro Zamboni
Product:Wall Calendars Empire
Launch Date:2017-Nov-20
Launch Time:10:00 EST
Front-End Price: $10
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 



Hello and welcome to the “Wall Calendars Empire” official JV Page!

If you check the news, calendars sales are increasing up to 8-10% each and every year.

So I’ve got ready for your customers an outstanding new idea, a new product based on wall calendars creation, very hot for this time of the year and very rewarding in the long term.

The product is based on an eBook plus 2 videos where I show live calendars creation, step by step.

Inside the guide your customers can find:

– How to uncover the Top 8 Niches for Creating Hot Calendars
– 58 Websites to Grab Commercially Free Photos
– 2 Videos to Watch Live Calendar Creation
– The Best 2 Sites to Use to Print Your Calendars
– Two example product sales to make yours
– 5 Ways to Sell Your New Calendars Like Crazy
– And much, much more

This guide also includes a bonus guide about custom Advent Calendars creation and a list of 2,139 topics for creating calendars.

OTO1 shows how to sell a lot of calendars to offline businesses and to weddings, and sells for $17

OTO2 offers 10 complete calendars with PLR rights, ready to be created, and sells for $47.

OTO3 offers a 1 to 1 coaching on how to sell dropshipping items on Etsy, for $297.

Hope to count a lot of you in!

Thanks a lot and see you soon,
Alessandro Zamboni

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