Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessandro Zamboni
Product:Self-Publishing For Christmas
Launch Date:2020-Oct-28
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:https://a
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 




Hello and welcome to the official “Self-Publishing For Christmas” JV Page!

This launch, done in time for allowing your customers to be ready for the months of November, December, and January, includes a video training about the best books and Kindle books to resell in the fourth quarter of the year.
On the inside, there are not only Christmas related books, but also an incredible publishing opportunity for those who will follow my advice.
The front-end includes ten videos on six different books that are fantastic for the holiday season. It sells for $17, with 50% commissions for you.
OTO1 is based on Etsy, where I show how to create and sell Christmas printables with customization options. It sells for $27, at 50% commissions.
OTO2 is a self-publishing set of previous products I will sell with a huge discount, going for $47 @ 50%.
OTO3 is the Self-Publishing Kingdom course, the $297 high-ticket course, where you get paid the 30%.
Hope to count you in for this launch, and to see you on the leaderboard!
Thanks so much and see you soon!
Alessandro Zamboni
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