Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessandro Zamboni
Product:Public Domain Empire 5
Launch Date:2022-Sep-26
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

Hello and welcome to the official Public Domain Empire 5 JV Page!

After 5 years, this product has become a well-known source of information about the incredible world of the public domain, with new updates and new techniques. In the previous four launches, it sold more than 4,650 copies.

2022 brought more than 55,000 new resources to the public domain, a lot of incredible books, comics, images, movies, sounds and soundtracks, government documents, and much, much more.
So, inside Public Domain Empire 5, there will be a lot of new things:
– What is public domain.
– How to use it wisely and without any risk.
– 192 websites to find ebooks, audiobooks, comics, photos and images, music, and government docs you can use the way you like.
– Where to find the 55,000 new materials in the public domain since January 2021, and the best ones you shouldn’t miss.
– 10 brand new methods on how to make money with the public domain.
– And much more!
This is a gem for your customers in need of content, images for websites, ideas, and ways to build a fortune with the public domain.
On OTO1 I will give them the opportunity to buy the first four versions with the exclusive bonuses for $27 instead of $95. You get a 50% commission.
On OTO2 I will give them the opportunity to buy all the upsells of the first four editions of Public Domain Empire for $37 instead of over $400.
On OTO3 I will give them the possibility to purchase the newest Public Domain Language Courses, a step-by-step guide on how to access 101 courses to resell or use personally. It sells at $27 at a 50% commission.
On OTO4 I will include the Public Domain Cookbooks Collection funnel that gives the opportunity to access 300 public domain cookbooks. It will sell for $47 at a 50% commission.
That’s all! I hope to count you in on this huge product launch!
Thanks so much and see you on the leaderboard!
Alessandro Zamboni
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