Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessandro Zamboni
Product:Public Domain Empire 2
Launch Date:2019-Apr-26
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 




Hello and welcome to the official “Public Domain Empire 2” JV Page!

As Wikipedia says, “works in the public domain are those whose exclusive intellectual property rights have expired, have been forfeited, have been expressly waived, or are inapplicable”.
So, in short, inside the public domain we can find eBooks, audiobooks, comics, photos and clipart, movies and much, much more that we can use for free to create something new, to publish “as is” or to create collections.
The advantage is that your followers can make cash from public domain works with my 10 secret methods I present in my guide. More, in the front-end guide your customers can find hundreds of resources with thousands of public domain materials.
To give you an idea of the new content, inside “Public Domain Empire 2” your customers will find:
– What is public domain.
– 85 126 websites to find public domain works.
– All the best 2019 public domain releases.
– 10 brand new methods to make cash from public domain.
– And much, much more!
This is something special that has never been released before, information that can change the way public domain works for your profit, and that actually no one, apart from me, is currently using.
OTO1 is called “Public Domain Kindle” and shows you how to publish public domain books on Kindle marketplace. It sells for $27.
OTO2 is a collection of the products published in the original funnel of Public Domain Empire, with all the products available for a huge discount. Only $47 instead of over $200.
OTO3 is my high-ticket Kindle, Paper Books and Audiobooks video training, available for $297.

Hope to count you in, as this is a launch making history.

Thanks and see you soon on the leaderboard!
Alessandro Zamboni
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