Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessandro Zamboni
Product:Journals Empire
Launch Date:2018-Sep-25
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 



Journals are the latest market craze, and they are literally flying off the shelves of Amazon and many other portals as well.

The video series “Journals Empire” will make your customers a part of this growing industry, because they will learn:

– The top 12 journal niches.
– How to create journals with a free online app.
– How to create recipes journals.
– How to create daily tasks journals.
– How to create a motivational journal.
– How to create a phone book journal.
– How to drive targeted traffic in 3 different ways.
– The paid way to use other journals buyers as an audience.
– And much, much more.

This is without any doubt the best and easiest course to follow to become a journal author.

A journal requires no more than 20 minutes from creation to publishing on Amazon as a paper book, and this business can skyrocket to up to $1,000 per day with the right number of journals.

This course also includes two brilliant OTO’s:

OTO1, which sells for $27, gives a further 10 step-by-step videos to create 10 other different journals, which are even more beautiful and creative.

OTO2 sells for $27 and gives your customers a 104-page ready journal they can edit any way they like and resell as theirs.

OTO3 sells for $47 and it is similar to OTO2 giving one more advanced journal.

This is a well planned funnel for fans of publishing, Kindle, writing and new businesses and trends seekers. Ideal for you to promote to a Kindle list or to an online marketing list.

Thanks a lot and see you soon,
Alessandro Zamboni

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