Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessandro Zamboni et al
Product:The Official Cheatsheet Generator
Launch Date:2017-Apr-10
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 



Hello and welcome by Alessandro Zamboni and Dirk Wagner new launch, “The Official Cheatsheet Generator”!

Monday, April 10th I will launch the best and the unique officially supported cheatsheet creator, a series of software to create cheatsheets
with just two clicks: one for giving the cheatsheet a name, and the other to enter your keyword.

Your customers will get a cheatsheet created with 45 clickable links, something incredible that before required at least 2 hours.

If you need a swipe file, please let me know and I will write it for you in a short time.

This launch goes for: $17 front end, $27 OTO1, $37 OTO2 and $57 OTO3.

You get 50% on whole funnel, and this is an incredible conversion funnel that will give you fantastic results.

For any question I’m always available. Please reply to this email if you need any help.
Thanks so much for your help in promoting this hot launch.

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