Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessandro Zamboni et al
Product:Kindle Unlimited Profit
Launch Date:2014-Aug-26
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $12
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Kindle Unlimited Profitis a brand new eBook that shows you how to take advantage of the new Kindle Unlimited platform, a monthly membership where “serial readers” could read how much books they want on their Kindle tablets or Kindle apps, without limits.

Kindle Unlimited has some requirements to be in. Your books must be published only on Kindle marketplace, not elsewhere, and each downloaded book must be readed at least for 10% before getting paid the commissions, that for first month were $1.81 for each book read.

Our ebook shows our secret winning plan to getting lots of commissions and to become winners on this new platform, that requires special type of books. Our guide includes the following topics:

More, the buyer gets some awesome bonus, including a FB Group unlimited access, some “Kindle Unlimited” logos to put on book covers, and access to my first top product about Kindle.

And what about the One Time Offer?
It’s an additional ebook that explains in detail how to create a new type of ebook that is selling like crazy on Amazon.

We hope to see you on our side!

Thanks so much and see you on WSO thread!
Alessandro Zamboni & Michael Martin

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