Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessandro Zamboni et al
Product:Easy Countdown Redirector
Launch Date:2014-Jul-24
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $10
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Hello and welcome to our latest product launch! Read more below and grab all that you need to promote this awesome software, that will help you and your customers to sell more through state of the art scarcity bonus pages!

What will you say if we tell you that from now on you can create outstanding bonus pages with added scarcity with a simple step by step software?

“Easy Countdown Redirector” will give the possibility to create bonus pages about any product you want to promote as affiliate, with added scarcity to convince visitors to purchase before the countdown timer ends at zero.

You know that nowadays the greatest affiliate marketers go up in affiliate leaderboards only thanks to their bonuses, otherwise it won’t go this way. And sometimes we are so lazy that we completely forgot to add a bonus page to help visitors on their final decision to purchase.

This is a Windows software that could run also on Mac computers via VMWare Fusion or any other Windows emulator. You just run it, and you follow the steps entering your information, and in no more than 10 minutes, including graphics, you will be able to have your own outstanding bonus page with scarcity header and footer.

This is a gamechanging software that we hope will deliver lots of sales to your buyers and followers, just for the low price and for the ease of use.

Thanks for deciding to check this JV Page, and see you soon.
Alessandro Zamboni and Alex Albert

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