Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessandro Zamboni
Product:Earth Domination Empire
Launch Date:2021-Feb-12
Launch Time:10:00 EST
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:ThriveCart 




Hello and welcome to Earth Domination Empire JV Page.

This launch is all about a new online app called Earth2, the first virtual duplicate of our planet where you can buy and sell world tiles for-profit and make affiliate sales.

It’s something unique, and people are loving it, building new cities, creating communities, and much more.

This product will explain to them how to use the app and how to make real money with it. I will teach how to do the right things, avoiding errors that are too easy to commit.

The front-end is the step by step eBook with everything they should know before starting. It sells for $17 at 50% commissions.

There is also a Bump Order about the ebook’s PLR version, where you get 50% commissions on the original $17 price.

The OTO1 is a video course where I show big secrets only the 1% know about this game, grow very fast making the right choices, and avoid common traps. It costs $27, and you get 50% commissions.

OTO2 is a collection of new trends worth investigating for different fields of interest. It sells for $67, and it will go live on Zoom.

If you need any help or product reviews, please contact me at

Hope to see you on the leaderboard!

Thanks so much and see you soon,
Alessandro Zamboni

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