Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessandro Zamboni
Product:Content Curation Express
Launch Date:2013-Sep-10
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $10
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

Contact Name: Alessandro Zamboni
Contact me at: // Skype:
Product: Content Curation Express
Type: Ebook
Niche: Content Creation

Launch Date: Tuesday, September 10 at 11:00 AM EST
Platform: Warrior Plus
JV Page:

Front End Price: $9.95 to $17.00 (Dimesale)
OTO Price: $17.00
Commissions: 50% on Front End and 50% on OTO
Prizes: Yes. Available to the best 10 affiliates.

I’m a serious WSO marketer, and I’ve published more than 15 products, some of them were selected as “WSO Of The Day”.

Product description:

“Content Curation Express” is a 65 pages guide that shows you the new world of content curation, a way to create contents with other people resources.
If we want great contents for our websites, blogs and podcasts, we are constricted to create them, paying attention because Google wants them long and interesting.
Or if we are foreigners, like us, we must pay for our contents if we need perfect articles. And the same applies to videos, podcasts, mp3 files, and a lot of other things.

So content curation gives us a big hand, because you can create a superb article in no more than 10 to 15 minutes, by checking your sources, finding the right information and putting them on your “content”. Free and fast, we must add our thoughts, our considerations and we are ready.
This is the new awesome way to create original contents!

In our ebook you will learn:

– An introduction on content curation.
– What is content curation
– How I applied it to my blog to generate 8,810 visitors in 40 days.
– Content curation how to (the 9 tools you need, plus the places where you can post your new contents.)
– Content curation methods, with 7 great methods in which you may curate contents on daily basis.
– Content curation tools, with the best 13 to use n the 40+ we have tried!
– Content curation monetization, 5 ways to earn while you gain your authority with your contents, with over 23 ways to make cash and golden ideas!
– 5 different ways to use the power of content curation.


– A closed-membership FB Group.
– A super mind map to check all the steps.
– Our valuable support.


It offers 6 PLR Ebooks created with the power of content curation, with ecovers and super squeeze pages. An incredible way to build your list, to make cash by selling them, or to deconstruct to obtain hundreds of curated contents.

If you need ecovers, banners, social media phrases and more, please go to the JV Page listed.

Thanks so much and see you soon!
Alessandro Zamboni

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