Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessandro Zamboni
Product:Affiliate Marketing Empire
Launch Date:2020-Mar-18
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 
Niche:Affiliate Marketing 




Hello and welcome to the Affiliate Marketing Empire official JV Page!

This launch is about the method I used for years that gave me the possibility to build a list of almost 12,000 people, and make over $63,000 last year.
In short, the free method I use is to create a one-page document to give away for free on WarriorPlus, and then email those people with copy and paste messages only.
The method is very easy for newbies, and an excellent way for advanced users to increase their lists and make more commissions, so it works great for anyone.
The front-end includes 8 videos, and a done-for-you document with sales letter to distribute for building a list as a bonus. It sells for $17 at 50% commissions.
The OTO1 sells for $27 and it is a collection of three of these documents based on three different topics of large interest.
The OTO2 is a set of the top 25 emails that made the most money for me, ready to copy and paste. It sells for $47.
OTO3 is still being developed, and it will sell for $67/$97.
I really hope to count a lot of you in for this launch!
Thanks so much and see you on the leaderboard!
Alessandro Zamboni
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