Standard Launch
Vendor:Barb Ling et all
Product:AIF: AI IS Lying To You
Launch Date:2024-Mar-03
Launch Time:9:00 EST
Front-End Price: 9.49
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 
Niche:List Building 

Digital Deceits: When AI Boldly LIES to You

Launching Sunday, March 3rd, 9 a.m. eastern time

Its The Scariest Thing AI Has Done To Us Today.  Even Under the Radar, This Can Wildly Affect YOUR Profits

Link to the Sales Page

Link to Affiliate Sign Up


Dennis Becker and Barb Ling here and we are thrilled to announce the launch of our AI IS Lying To You !  It’s been under the radar but is now one of the most critical, unapologetic over-reach of AI and Google Today.

Product: AIF:  AI IS Lying To You



1. AIF  front-end

Google’s recently released answer to ChatGPT deliberately alters your prompts *after* you submit them… and a whole lot more.  We show you not only proof of these claims but also how to profit via other biases like cognitive biases as well.. 

$12.44 Dime Sale: Personal rights, $32.32  PLR Rights, 60% Affiliate Commission

2: AI Made Friendly

Our popular easy-to-understand 3 blueprints in one that takes the reader gently by the hand and simplifies AI, ChatGPT and Midjourney for them.

$17.17  Personal rights, $42.33 PLR Rights, 50% Affiliate Commission

3: Future AI Treasure Chest

Comprehensive friendly guide on how to uncover dozens and dozens of targeted resources regarding the Future of AI.  Includes the most popular social platforms as well.

       $17.17  Personal rights, $45.33 PLR Rights, 50% Affiliate Commission

4: 2 Page Google Docs Profits

Buyers will learn the method perfected by Travis Sago to monetize simple Google Docs. You can replace the need for typical sales pages and all that goes into them by using a Google Doc.

$99, 50% or a license to resell the system is $799 dime sale (40% commission)

5:   5 Bonus AI-Specific Reports

5 comprehensive AI reports that provide specific guidance for Notion Templates, 600 Creative Video Marketing Prompts, Free Marketing Profits, More!

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